Starting 2021Everyone is welcome,! We are positive and nonjudgmental.
What is Authentically You?Discover new joys as you learn to let go of
living the way that others think you should and, instead, live your life as the real YOU. In our conference and free mini class we go over what to expect in our monthly class and group. You will be walked through a couple of the handouts so that you can see the type of work we do in the main class.
In our monthly classes and group we help you to discover things about yourself that you may not have noticed before. I walk you through learning and then helping you to put that together so you can find who you are. It is a goal to help you understand your own value and what you have to offer the world. I will support and encourage you to develop the courage to be yourself around others. We support you in looking the work you have done to help you structure your life around and what matters most to you. By living authentically, you can simplify your life, reduce stress, strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life. AUTHENTICALLY YOU GROUP
4th Thursday of each month - 6-8 pm During this time there will be a check in with each other to see how things are going on your path to becoming authentic in yourself. AUTHENTICALLY YOU CLASS
2nd Thursdays of each month 6 - 8pm This class is you are given the topics and handouts for the month to work on. I am here to support you in working through your handouts. Bu the end of the year the handouts will create your workbook.